43:00 instread sex causes traits, they will insist that traits cause sex.

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Good stuff once again. Thanks guys. The world's better for you being in it.

Looking forward to hearing from Mr. Dennis next week.

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As ever, Clive and Jack arrive bearing gifts. Other than Owen Jones, there are few individuals lower in my estimation than that great orange gas giant, the 47th president of the United States. The reckoning of an eminent former Republican political strategist that 'everything he touches, dies' is, in my estimation, fair comment. However, should the president succeed in keeping children and the highly vulnerable safe from the clutches and claws of the gender sociopaths and theocrats, then, rather than eat my hat, I will doff my cap. Listening to Clive read the particulars of the president's recent executive order was almost akin to being a witness to Abraham Lincoln chisel the words of the Emancipation Proclamation on a tablet of stone. To have not just one, but two poofs, deliver a good old dose of smiting upon the heads of those who deserve a good old dose of smiting is highly gratifying. Hallelujah!

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Great discussion as always. Jack, I'm a care home assistant and your Mum sounds like she would be one of those hilarious but at times annoying to care for (more of the former I feel!) residents as they really don't want to be there even when they have to be (my Dad is the same!), hope the respite gets her well enough to get back to looking after herself as much as she can soon, being independent for as much personal care as possible is so important.

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Clive, you are my brother! I also LOVE metal music (though not for the same reason apparently 😁) AND true crime, AND crochet!🥂

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Great minds think alike!

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I'm no fan of Trump, but this is the best news all week. I'm still concerned about Australia though🫤

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Thanks, guys, some great news.

Have gathered all relevant executive orders under one update😃https://dustymasterson.substack.com/p/a-manifesto


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