I initially felt sorry for Davina but she's bought into it (or at least is appearing to), hook, line and sinker. She did an Instagram live as penance with a "transman" and was fawning all over "him" and the inclusive period/bleeders messaging. Lots of the old tropes, like the one about us gays owing everything to black trans women, were trotted out. Davina nodding enthusiastically throughout. She was so obsequious during the whole thing, and said she would block anyone who complains and would delete negative comments. Just bizarre.

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Agree Clive as to Trans lobby trying to erase sex😔

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Got a steep lawn that's tricky to mow.

This pair of uphill gardeners are the men to call.

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LOL I'd forgotten that term

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I've gotta like and reply from dishy double-denim Dennis.

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Ha! Last time I was Dishy Tony Blair was PM

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I'm not even gay and I fancy you Dennis 😍

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You may need to consult spec savers and your local mental health team lol

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Need more live streams with Dennis in a vest 😍😂

He's like the GC Henry Cavill 😂

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One of Blair's babes, eh?

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Oh god I'd forgotten the term "Blair Babes"

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another great show guys.

Dennis l hope you do bring an action against the mutilators. l will be watching with get interest.

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Good one gentlemen thanks x

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Peter Murrell has not been seen since the tents Dennis 😂😂

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Read your excellent article in Spiked Dennis x

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I was talking to my mate in the pub earlier about not voting Labour because of this rubbish and a lady on the next table joined the conversation to agree, it was great!

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Great stuff, Matthew 😊Good to hear


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Jamie Reed was at that meeting

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Thankyou you wonderful men

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Tha arr dough aren't tha dough?

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I'm old enough to have found Ben "a little bit of politics" Thatcher funny.

It was during the Alternative to Comedy movement in the early 80s

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Thanks, both, for another great episode.

Glad that the SNP and WPATH are now pulling themselves apart.

Kellie-Jay's video on Davina is a thing to watch 😊Especially as she previously greatly admired Davina

Have cross posted your episode 😎



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I was at the Australian Open last week, and not sure if this part was televised but they introduced the little kids who flip the coin at the start of the match by using "they/them" pronouns throughout the children's sweet little personal bios. As I highly doubt all the children happened to be non-binary identified, I can only assume this was imposed upon them as part of the heavily advertised partnership between AO and Victoria's Pride festival. I was shocked and disgusted, as I find it very hard to believe that the kids and their parents all gave meaningful consent. Imagine taking over a child's tennis-fan dream moment and using it to push your weird religion. BTW a junior player was also introduced as "they/them" - which I'm pretty sure she did not ask for - while her much more famous and successful opponent got away with a garbled intro that somehow avoided any pronouns at all. Almost as if these people back off when it's someone they're a bit scared of...

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I could not love you two more. x

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Great chat guys. Can I mention Scotland has SPATH which mirrors WPATH unfortunately. Our clinicians up here are completely captured by gender nonsense.

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I'm always amazed how much you pack into one episode! Thank you for all the work you do on this, chaps :)

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