Feb 25Liked by Two Poofs and a Podcast

Thanks for explaining the shenanigans in the House of Commons, Clive. I’m in Australia and hadn’t been able to make any sense of it.

There were many suicides in Nazi Germany amongst the older Jewish population for whom there was no escape and who knew what was their destiny. This happened even though there’s a strong religious prohibition on suicide.

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Feb 25·edited Feb 25Liked by Two Poofs and a Podcast

Why is sexual orientation and 'gender identity' always conflated? These two things should be separated b/c they are two different things. The male 'womanface wankers' have not yet managed to redefine their sexual fetishes as a sexual orientation but no doubt that's coming. Thanks as always esp. for the legal analysis.

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Feb 24Liked by Two Poofs and a Podcast

Did you see what’s happening in Canada? Apparently they aren’t more polite. One of your followers previously commented that UK GCs had Canada completely wrong on this issue. Legally and socially. Seems to be correct. Federal opposition flat out said No to males in female spaces, etc and theyre open to making law. He also confirmed a lot of this stuff is provincial not federal. We haven’t been watching the provinces but they aren’t as compliant as we thought. One threatened to go to election if he had to in order to stop affirmation policy. Vanity bills in Canada have been mistaken for having substance and politicians aren’t as captured as they’ve been in the UK. The capture is only being attempted now in Canada by the T collective but politicians are not having it. And they aren’t being polite or wish washy about it.

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Feb 24Liked by Two Poofs and a Podcast

I did not realise that the ginger gender finger jabber (tm) actually did try to address concerns with his bill. It's still a dog's breakfast (or dinner) of a law, but he gets some marks for the attempt. He could have just said that bigots don't get to debate the existence of trans kids and got a standing ovation from the usual idiots.

I bet he didn't publicise that he had those discussions though, on the other hand. He might be a zealous imbecile, but he's not stupid.

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Feb 24Liked by Two Poofs and a Podcast

Lol...missed a bit of that as I went to see what my cat wanted ....but it wasn't my cat was it Clive!

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Eddie The Cat again, putting his two cents in!

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Could anyone find the proposed amendments for the Lords' conversion practices bill? I've tried and failed, lol

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I couldn't find them either. If you look in the hansard transcript of the debate amendments are mentioned plenty of times, but only in general terms. I think any specific amendments are yet to be suggested. https://hansard.parliament.uk/Lords/2024-02-09/debates/DB690A34-D945-4EDA-9178-DD6357498F45/details

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Feb 24Liked by Two Poofs and a Podcast

As always, delightful.

Thanks so much.

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